Boise, ID -- 08/27/2020 -- As we fight the spread of COVID-19, the Boise School District believes one of our greatest responsibilities is to communicate transparently and often with our community. To that end, the Boise School District has begun publishing on its website a District COVID-19 Positive and Probable Case data sheet that shows information about the spread of COVID-19 related to schools & District facilities since June 22nd, 2020.
The data being reported reflects the total number of students and staff in the Boise School District who have tested positive or presumed positive since June 22, 2020. The data does not reflect those individuals who are quarantining due to possible exposure or who voluntarily stay home due to self-monitoring.
The data initially published did not distinguish between historic COVID-19 cases versus current cases, and therefore could be misinterpreted. As such, the District has revised its online reporting system to clearly differentiate between historic and current case data. For example, the total number of cases reported from June 22nd to August 16th is 23. That compares to seven cases to date since school resumed on August 17th.
The District will update the data as new information becomes available. Per protocol, the District is committed to communicating with staff, students and parents about any known possible exposure to COVID-19.