Do You Know the Dangers of Vaping?

Do You Know The Dangers of Vaping? Attend Parent Night on April 24th to Learn More.
Posted on 04/20/2019
This is the image for the news article titled Do You Know The Dangers of Vaping? Attend Parent Night on April 24th to Learn More.If you don’t know the difference between a JUUL, e-hookah, and a vape pen, you’re not alone. However, a growing number of teenagers know the difference.

Locally, we’ve seen an increase in incidents involving student vaping. Due to the negative health effects vaping can have on our students, we take this issue very seriously and want you to be aware of the dangers.

Use the following resources when speaking to your child about the risks and consequences associated with vaping and plan to attend our Parent Night to learn more. 

  1. Teens and E-Cigarettes
  2. Quick Facts About JUUL
  3. U.S. Surgeon General's Advisory on E-Cigarette Use Among Youth
  4. Boise School District Policy #3233 - Drug, Alcohol & Tobacco Use
With the increase in incidents involving student vaping, we will continue to take a proactive approach in providing educational resources related to the harmful effects of vaping to both students and families.


Plan now to attend a free Parent Night to learn more about vaping and the dangers and health risks associted with what the U.S. Surgeon General describes as a "national epidemic." The Parent Night will be held on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at South Junior High School (3101 W. Cassia St., Boise).  

Parent Vaping Awareness Night Flyer

If you feel your child has already developed an addiction to nicotine, we suggest you reach out to your health care provider. Working together with our school administrators, counselors, nurses, staff and parents, we can help educate students about the harmful effects of vaping.