Maple Grove Celebrates New Gym and Classrooms
Posted on 10/30/2019
A ribbon cutting ceremony and open house was held on Tuesday, October 29, 2019 from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. to celebrate the completion of the new gymnasium and classroom addition at Maple Grove Elementary School. Made possible thanks to voters' passage of the Boise School District's 2017 Bond Election (86% yes vote), the new gymnasium and classroom addition are a significant improvement for the school and will help address the educational needs of our community's students well into the future. The project also included improvements made to the school's playground and a new lunchroom kitchen. Thank you, Boise voters!
A special thanks to Capital High School's Video Production Department, under the direction of Instructor Mr. Gabe Garcia, and his students, for producing the following videos.