Dental Clinic

The Dental Clinic is free for students of the Boise School District and was originated in 1954 by a group of local dentists who saw the need in the community. The clinic provides:
  • Free screening and dental care to students who qualify.
  • Free educational materials (posters, toothbrushes, videos) to patients, teachers, school nurses and health educators.
The clinic is operated with community donations and is staffed by local dentists who volunteer each week. Located at Whitney Elementary, the dental clinic is managed by Amy Williams, the Dental Hygienist/Coordinator. She can be reached at 854-6627 or at [email protected]

Who Qualifies for Dental Clinic Care?

Students who lack financial resources, do not have Medicaid, and do not have private dental insurance.

How are Referrals Made?

Students are referred to the dental clinic through the school nurse. School nurses routinely screen all students in Kindergarten, 2nd, and 5th grades as well as students who are new to the District or any students who are having dental pain or other dental concerns. Parents may request dental screenings for their children at any time through their school nurse. For further information, please contact your school nurse.
Student visiting the Boise School District Dental Clinic