

The Idaho Immunization Law requires that children of grades pre-school through 12 shall provide proof of immunization or sign an exemption at the time of initial enrollment in an Idaho school. Parents or guardians should provide a copy of the student's immunizations to the school at the time of registration, before the student attends school.

Parents may choose to exempt their child from the state school immunization requirements for personal, medical or religious reasons. If an exemption is submitted, and there is an outbreak of the disease for which the exemption is signed, the exempted student may be excluded from school for the period deemed necessary by public health officials.

Immunization Clinics/Resources: Central District Health Department provides all types of vaccines year-round to children ages 0-18. Anyone needing to get their child caught up on immunizations can call 327-7450 to make an appointment. More details are available on the Central District Health Department website. 

For more information on exemptions from immunization requirements, please see Idaho Code 39-4802


Department of Health and Welfare - School Forms and Resources

Grades K - 12 Immunization Requirements
The following are minimal state requirements for immunization in Idaho at school entry age:

K-12 Immunization Requirements
1. Preschool children need only be age-appropriately immunized with the required vaccines.
2. DTaP: The 5th dose is not necessary if the 4th dose was administered at age 4 years or older and at least 6 months after previous dose.
3. Polio: The 4th dose is not necessary if the 3rd dose was administered at age 4 years or older and at least 6 months after previous dose. For children born after 9/1/2005, at least one dose of polio should be given at age 4 years or older and at least 6 months after the previous dose.
4. Varicella: History of chickenpox disease documented by a physician or licensed health care professional meets the requirement.
5. Children should have one dose of meningococcal (Men ACWY) vaccine before the 7th grade. A second dose of Men ACWY is required prior to admission into the 12th grade. However, if a child received their first Men ACWY vaccine at age 16 years or older, no additional MenACWY doses are needed for 12th grade admission.

Please visit with your child's healthcare provider about these requirements. If your child is in need of immunizations contact your physician or Central District Health Department. The clinic cost is minimal and requires that parents or guardians accompany their children to the clinic. As immunizations are updated, please provide the school nurse with a current copy. For additional information and resources, please call the school nurse at your child's school.