Career Technical Education (CTE)
Career Technical Education (CTE) prepares students for careers and postsecondary education by providing academic, technical, and real-world knowledge, skills, and experience. CTE programs are personalized and hands-on, and allow students to explore different career fields.
CTE provides students a competitive advantage by fostering the development of the necessary skill-set and professional network to seek out technical training, collegiate opportunities, or enter the workforce as a contributing member of their industry from day one, following graduation.
Programs are provided at secondary school sites and at the Dennis Technical Education Center (DTEC)
Program areas include:
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
Business and Marketing Education
Engineering and Technology Education
Family Consumer Science and Human Services
Health Professions and Public Safety
Individualized Occupational Training
Trades and Industry
For more information, please visit the Boise School District CTE Sites Page