Career Technical Education

Career Technical Education (CTE)

Career Technical Education (CTE) prepares students for careers and postsecondary education by providing academic, technical, and real-world knowledge, skills, and experience. CTE programs are personalized and hands-on, and allow students to explore different career fields.

CTE provides students a competitive advantage by fostering the development of the necessary skill-set and professional network to seek out technical training, collegiate opportunities, or enter the workforce as a contributing member of their industry from day one, following graduation.  

Programs are provided at secondary school sites and at the Dennis Technical Education Center (DTEC) 

Program areas include:

  • Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

  • Business and Marketing Education

  • Engineering and Technology Education

  • Family Consumer Science and Human Services

  • Health Professions and Public Safety

  • Individualized Occupational Training

  • Trades and Industry

For more information, please visit the Boise School District CTE Sites Page
