Grades K-2

Extended School Closure Activities for Students and Families

Physical, Wellness & Kindness Activities

Fun & Family Activities
Screen-free Activities
Parent-led School Activities
Mental Health and Wellness Resources
Outdoor Physical Activities
PreSchool Activities


Primary Math & Literacy Activities
Math Games, Apps & Websites


Journaling Prompts- For students who aren't writing yet, you can have them draw pictures in response to the prompts instead of write words or have them dictate to an adult while they scribe their responses.
Sight Word Flash Cards
Sigh Word Bingo- Use the above flash cards and this bingo card template to make your own bingo game! Use coins, dry beans or borrow other game pieces as markers.
Literacy Websites


Science Activities
Primary Science websites and activities

Social Studies

Primary Social Studies websites and activities
CultureGramsUsername: boiseschools Password: library

Fine Arts

Art activities
Music Activities