Section 504

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

What is Section 504?
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Section 504 is an anti-discrimination statute that prohibits any recipient of federal funds from discriminating against individuals with disabilities.  Included in the definition are all public school districts.  Section 504 does not confer any special rights on disabled persons beyond the right to be free solely by reason of disability.

What is a Section 504 Plan?
A 504 Plan is a written document that identifies the specific accommodations a student with a disability requires.  The plan is generated by a Section 504 team (which includes persons knowledgeable about the student, evaluation data and placement options) and is disseminated to the necessary school personnel.  It is reviewed periodically (typically annually)  and modified if needed based on the student’s individual needs.

Who qualifies for a Section 504 Plan?
In order to qualify for a 504 Plan a student must meet four criteria:

  • Does the student have a physical or mental impairment?
  • Does the physical or mental impairment affect one or more major life activities (including major bodily functions)?
  • Does the physical or mental impairment substantially limit a major life activity?
  • Does the student need Section 504 services in order for his/her educational needs to be met as adequately as those of non-disabled peers?

The Section 504 team makes the determination as to whether or not these criteria are met.  The decision is based on a Section 504 evaluation, which will involve a review of existing data and/or may require the collection of additional data (e.g., assessments, records, diagnosis).

Who is a part of the Section 504 Team? 
By regulation, the 504 Team is a group of individuals knowledgeable about:

  • The child
  • The meaning of the evaluation data
  • The placement options

Within the group each area of knowledge must be represented.  Parents and the student are important members of this team. 

What services does a Section 504 Plan Provide?
The purpose of a 504 Plan is to provide accommodations for the student with a disability, in order to “level the playing field” with non-disabled peers and allow equal access to educational services.  Students with disabilities are entitled to a free and appropriate public education.  Section 504 accommodations should be provided in the least restrictive environment and may range from minor accommodations to the provision of special services.  The degree of services provided is based entirely on the specific needs of the student.

Who do I contact?
Parents and/or students can contact their school administrator, school counselor, or school nurse if they have questions about Section 504.   Employees of the Boise School District should contact the Human Resources Department for assistance with questions about Section 504.

Section 504 Rights Statement
Section 504 Rights Statement-Spanish

Board Policy 2211 Section 504 Students
Board Policy 3211 Civil Rights Grievance
Board Policy 3212 Section 504 Hearing 
Board Procedure 3212P Section 504 Hearing Procedure 

District Section 504 Coordinator: Tamara Fredrickson
District Section 504 Compliance Officer: Jason Hutchison