Enrolling Your Student In The Boise School District
Online Enrollment (Traditional/Neighborhood School)
Enrolling your student is easy with our Online Registration System.
- New to Boise School District Students
- Parents/Guardians without students currently enrolled, please use our online registration system to enter your information and enroll your K-12 student into the Boise School District.
- Existing District Students
Parents/Guardians with students currently enrolled in the Boise School District can access their portal account by clicking the Infinite Campus Portal Link, selecting the Parent Button and then logging into your Infinite Campus Account. Once logged-in, select "More" from the menu, then select "Annual Update". You then can update your current information and enroll your new K-12 student into the Boise School District.
- If you do not have a portal account, please email [email protected] to receive a personalized activation link.
- If you have forgotten your password, please contact your current student’s school for a password reset.
Boise Online School
- Enrollment is now open. Only current Boise School District students or students with an approved Open Enrollment status from another district may attend Boise Online School. District open enrollment procedures will be followed.
In-Person Registration & Enrollment
If registering your student in-person, you may register students at their neighborhood school Monday through Friday during school hours with a parent/guardian present. Our Complete Enrollment Forms are available online.
Additional Information for Parents Who Choose In-Person Enrollment
The information below is also available through our Online Registration System. You may also call your neighborhood school for more information.
Find and Contact Your School
Are you a resident of the Boise School District?
View Boise School District's School Boundary Locator to identify the neighborhood school your student will attend. Note: Some Boise City addresses are not within the boundaries of the Boise School District.
Review Boise School District Boundary maps.
If you have questions regarding a specific address or if your address is close to a boundary, please call Boise School District's Transportation & Boundaries Department at 208-854-4167.
School address and phone list.
Contact our schools to request a tour of the school.
Determine Student Eligibility
- All children enrolling in Kindergarten must be five years old on or before September 1st of the school year in which the child enrolls.
- For a child enrolling in first grade, the child must be six years old on or before September 1st of the school year in which the child enrolls. A five-year-old child who has completed a private or public out-of-state kindergarten for the required 450 hours, but has not reached the “school age” requirement shall be allowed to enter the first grade.
- For resident children with disabilities who qualify for special education and related services under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), “school age” begins at the age of three and may continue through the semester in which the student turns 21 years old or receives a regular high school diploma by completing requirements comparable to regular graduation requirements.
Verification Requirements
- Parents registering their children for the first time in a Boise public school must provide proof of age, identity, verification of District residency and immunizations, unless homeless.
- Students who have previously attended school should bring their school records, if available. Students receiving special education services should bring a copy of the current Individualized Education Program (IEP).
How to Withdraw
Withdrawal Form-Writable pdf
- Parents wishing to withdraw their student from their current school and transfer them to another school, whether it be within the Boise School District or outside the district, must complete and submit the following form and return it to the student's current school.
Take a Virtual School Tour